For your immediate hiring needs
Designed for employers who are in a hurry to hire and receive resumes. This is the perfect solution if you don't have an ATS and wish to receive resumes directly in your inbox. All we need to get it done is your logo, a few words about your company or a specific role, and your email address. Our team will handle everything else.
Your Starter site can be fully designed and launched within 2 weeks.
Our favorite part of the process was working with the great Monster STS team! :)
Improve your candidate experience
Improve your candidate experience. We imagined and designed this solution for employers who have minimal content and wish to make the most of smaller budgets without sacrificing quality. Our Standard site lets you tell your story and leverage valuable HR technology to attract top talent, without the hassles or costs usually associated with a larger project.
Your Standard site can be fully designed and launched within 8-10 weeks.
Maximize your brand identity
This is our most flexible solution, designed and built to make sure your brand identity is fully expressed and to create an experience where job seekers can project themselves within your organization. Because adding more sections to your story allows you to tell it without limiting yourself. Showcase your team members, discuss specific roles, or talk about your company culture (e.g. diversity and inclusion, benefits, opportunities for veterans). The possibilities are (almost) endless!
Your Premium site can be fully designed and launched within 16-18 weeks.
The Monster STS team put their heads together to deliver exactly what we needed and wanted. So thankful for them.
Since I have been working with the team at Monster STS, it has been nothing but a pleasant experience. The whole team was very consistent and professional. I feel like they became an extension of my team and an advocate of my success.
Norwill Healthcare